I love to write. I've almost always hated sharing my work.
I write a lot of things, so I split this page up into a few different subsections of writing. As with everything, this site is a work in progress, and I never expect it not to be. I'm still slowly adding pieces as I find them in the endless labyrinth known as my hard drive.
-----this sidebar has links to each category
(relatively) fully baked thoughts
As a kid, I never thought I'd write any nonfiction. After all, why write about boring history and things that can happen,when I could write about dragons and magic and wonder? Yet now, it's about the only thing I can write. My nonfiction works are pieces of me I thought so important I had to process them into a shareable format. Even if the central focus isn't quite me, my nonfiction is, at it's core, me.
half baked thoughts
I like to gush about my passions. I don't have a large variety of interests, but the ones that I do have are everything to me. and many times, I struggle to fully convey or even find the opportunities to talk about the things I really love, the thoughts that come to my brain that I deem to be of intense importance. I've left this section of the writing zone for myself to indulge in those thoughts, to allow myself to feel without (self-prescribed) embarrassment.
half baked thoughts with purpose
I've never really loved poetry, but it has grown on me a bit. That said, it's something I need to be in a real particular mood to write, so I don't have a ton of it. Regardless, poetry has helped me process some real tough emotions in my life, and it is quite a bit of fun to write.
things that i made up
If I told child me that this would be the least populated section of their website one day, I think they would cry. I have a deep love for fiction, to the point where I'm really a perfectionist about my fictional works. At the time of writing this, I have nothing I'm willing to actually post in this section. I leave this section here because I have to. Child-me demands it. Maybe there will be something there some day.